CHM301: Quantum chemistry
Major Mandatory Courses
BIO412: Lab on biophysical and
Chemistry Major Courses
CHM301: Quantum chemistry
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
CHM302: Organic chemistry
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
CHM303: Main group chemistry
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
CHM304: Symmetry in chemistry
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
CHM305: Physical organic chemistry
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
CHM306: Transition metal chemistry
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
CHM311: Organic chemistry lab
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
CHM312: Inorganic chemistry lab
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
CHM401: Molecular spectroscopy
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
CHM402: Chemistry of materials
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
CHM403: Analytical chemistry
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
CHM404: Statistical thermodynamics
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
CHM411: Physical chemistry lab
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
CHM412: Analytical chemistry laboratory
Course Outline
Recommended Reading