[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:0, Lb:0]
- Averaging and statistics, elements of probability theory,
thermodynamics versus statistical mechanics, classical thermodynamics,
statistical ensembles in classical mechanics, the concept of ensemble
and phase space, Liouville's theorem, Ergodic hypothesis in
statistical mechanics, equal a priori probabilities in phase
space, the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law.
- Foundations of molecular thermodynamics, isolated assembly,
assumptions in molecular thermodynamics, partition function, classical
partition function, derivation of thermodynamic relations using
partition functions.
- Molecular and assembly partition functions, localized and
non-localized systems, the assembly of independent localized and
non-localized systems, multiplication theorem for partition functions,
the statistical interpretation of entropy.
- Molecular partition functions, classical molecular partition
functions, the classical rotor, the classical harmonic oscillator,
thermodynamic functions of the ideal assembly of localized and
non-localized systems, applications in describing the behavior of
gases, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law, velocity distributions, the
pressure of an ideal gas.
- Chemical equilibrium, derivation of molecular thermodynamic equations
from classical thermodynamics, the transition state theory,
derivation, bimolecular collisions, rearrangements.
- D. A. McQuarrie, Statistical Mechanics, 1st Ed, Viva Books,
India (2003).
- D. Chandler, Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics, 1st
Ed, Oxford University Press, New York (1987).
- T. L. Hill, An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics, 1st
Ed, Dover Publications, New York (1986).
- N. Laurendeau, Statistical Thermodynamics: Fundamentals and
Applications, 1st Ed, Cambridge University Press, New York (2005).