[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:0, Lb:0]
- Symmetry elements and operations, the algebra of symmetry operations,
symmetry property of orbitals.
- Point groups and matrix representations: Determination of molecular
point groups, group-multiplication tables, group-generating elements,
the rearrangement theorem.
- Reducible and irreducible representations, character of a
representation, the great orthogonality theorem, properties of
irreducible representations, criterion for irreduciblity, character
tables and their construction, the reduction of reducible
- Free ion configurations, terms and states, configuration of free-ions,
angular momentum of electrons, vector coupling of angular momentum,
spin-orbit coupling, L-S coupling scheme, j-j coupling scheme,
derivation of terms, symmetry of atomic orbitals, correlation tables.
- Applications in chemistry, molecular vibrations, normal coordinates,
classification of normal coordinates, IR and Raman spectra, MO theory,
LCAO MO approximation, HMO approach, hybrid orbitals.
- D. M. Bishop, Group Theory and Chemistry, 1st Ed, Dover
Publications, New York (1993).
- F. A. Cotton, Chemical Applications of Group Theory, Indian
Edition, 3rd Ed, Wiley-India, Noida (2003).
- H. H. Jaffe, M. Orchin, Symmetry in Chemistry, 1st Ed, Dover
Publications, New York (2002).