BIO301: Animals: Form and function
Major Mandatory Courses
Major Mandatory Courses
Biology Major Courses
BIO301: Animals: Form and function
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
BIO302: Advanced cell biology
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
BIO303: Experimental design and hypothesis testing
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
BIO304: Essential biochemistry
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
BIO305: Advanced developmental biology
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
BIO306: Plants: Form and function
Course Outline
BIO311: Molecular methods in biology lab
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
BIO312: Development and physiology lab
Course Outline
BIO401: Structure and function of genomes
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
BIO402: Microbial physiology and microbial genetics
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
BIO403: Advanced evolutionary biology
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
BIO404: Cellular and molecular basis of the immune response
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
BIO411: Bioinformatics lab
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
BIO412: Lab on biophysical and spectroscopic tools
Course Outline
Recommended Reading