The Biology Discussion Forum(BDF) of IISER Mohali celebrated Darwin week - BDF's Flagship week with several captivating events from February 10th to February 17th. Students of IISER Mohali participated with great enthusiasm and embarked on an adventure celebrating science, knowledge, and the legacy of Charles Darwin.


Darwin Week 2024 had 9 events scheduled over the entire week.
1. Connexions : BDF’s own take on a biology based game of pictionary.
2. WHO-MUN : The second edition of this geopolitical extravaganza discussed about the health crisis surrounding the Gaza war.
3. Darwin Day Lecture : BDF with the support of DBS IISER Mohali hosted Dr. Yash Veer Bhatnagar, country head of IUCN India. Dr. Bhatnagar shared his insights about his research in trans-Himalayas and also shared anecdotes about his visit to Antarctica as part of India’s official expedition.
4. Movie Screening : BDFxMovieClub screened Migration - an animated movie about a family of ducks going on migratory adventure .
5. Get a life 2.0 : A biology quiz hosted by BDFxIMQC.
6. Online Talk : Dr. Priya Rajasethupathy (M.D., Ph.D.) associate professor at Rockefeller University, New York leads the neural dynamics and cognition lab. She gave a talk on “The evolving memory trace”.
7. Faculty Talk : The Darwin Week faculty talk was organised with the help of Bio-PhD Discussion Forum . The talk titled “ The brain circuits of maladaptive eating behaviours”, delivered by Dr. Hasan Mohhamad, Assistant Professor at DBS IISER Mohali.
8. Unearthed - 
The BDF Treasure Hunt : almost  150 students participating in more than 35 teams working overnight to solve the riddle and get the treasure.
9. The Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) 2024 : BDF organised the campus bird count as part of the GBBC. IISER Mohali is known for its Avian Biodiversity.