[Cr:4, Lc:4, Tt:0, Lb:0]
Following content will be taught in biological context.
- Introduction to Computation: history of computation, need of computation in modern
- The types of biological data and databases: sequence, structure, expression, interaction, enzyme activity, genomic and population data-sets.
- Common data formats used in biology: separator delimited text files and their relevance, fasta sequence format, alignment files, tree representation, HTML/XML files, bed/gff
files etc.
- Working with text editors and spreadsheets.
- Data compression: Huffman encoding, Burrows wheeler transformation, Gif, Jpeg, Png,
Zip, Tar etc.
- Command-line programming: working with Linux/Cygwin shell, regular expressions,
installing software in Linux, vi editor, shell scripting, working with MS DOS
- Introduction to relational databases: MySQL
- Basic computer programming: elements of programming, PERL or Python.
- Advanced computer programming : writing functions/packages, writing images, working
with databases through programs, connecting to servers/WWW, developing user
interfaces with HTML/CGI and Tk
- Statistical computing using R: basic R functions, statistical tests of significance, working with advanced packages
- Graphics: working with Gimp, Photoshop, Illustrator and MS powerpoint for basic
- James Tisdall, Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics
- Haddock & Dunn, Practical computing for biologists
- Peter Dalgaard, Introductory Statistics with R