PHY301: Classical mechanics
Major Mandatory Courses
MTH403: (Fields and Galois Theory)
Physics Major Courses
PHY301: Classical mechanics
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
PHY302: Quantum mechanics
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
PHY303: Electrodynamics
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
PHY304: Statistical mechanics
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
PHY306: Advanced quantum mechanics
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
PHY310: Mathematical methods for physicists I
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
PHY311: Advanced optics and spectroscopy lab
Course Outline
PHY312: Advanced electronics and instrumentation lab
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
PHY401: Nuclear and particle physics
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
PHY402: Solid state physics
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
PHY403: Atomic and molecular physics
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
PHY411: Nuclear physics lab
Course Outline
Recommended Reading
PHY412: Condensed matter physics lab
Course Outline
Recommended Reading