[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:1, Lb:0]
- Time independent and time dependent perturbation theory. Transitions
under the action of a perturbation acting for a finite time, Transitions
under the action of a periodic perturbation.
- Review of Hydrogen atom, Fine structure, Hyperfine structure as an
application of perturbation theory to real systems. Zeeman effect,
Stark effect.
- The semi-classical approach, WKB approaximation. Penetration
through a potential barrier.
- The variational principle, applications.
- Scattering theory: Scattering cross-section, partial waves, Yukawa
and Coulomb potentials, scattering by square well potential,
reaction rates, mean free path, retarded potentials, Born
- Relativistic quantum mechanics: Klein-Gordon equation, negative
probabilities. Dirac equation, relativistic free particle solutions,
negative energy solutions, anti-particles.
- B. H. Bransden and C. J. Joachain, Physics of Atoms and
Molecules, 02nd edition, Pearson Education (2008).
- P. Atkins and J. De Paula, Physical Chemistry, 08th edition,
Oxford University Press (2009).
- J. J. Sakurai, Quantum Mechanics, Addison Wesley Low Priced
Edition (2008).
- L. I. Schiff, Quantum Mechanics, 03rd edition, McGraw-Hill
- W. Demtroder, Atoms, Molecules and Photons, Springer-Verlag
Berlin (2006).
- J. B. Rajam, Atomic Physics, S. Chand & Company Ltd. (2007).