[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:1, Lb:0]
- Basic Ideas: History. Particle exchange, range of forces, units:
length, mass and energy, review of special relativity, particle
- Structure of Nuclei: The shell model: basic ideas.
Spins, parities and magnetic moments in the shell model; excited
states in the shell model. Fermi gas model. Collective model.
-Decay. Fermi theory.
- Nuclear Phenomenology: Notation; mass, spin and binding energies.
Nuclear forces; shapes and sizes; Liquid drop model: semi-empirical
mass formula. Nuclear stability. -, -, - decay.
- Fission and Fusion: Induced fission – fissile materials. Fission
chain reactions. Power from nuclear fission: nuclear reactors. Nuclear
fusion: Coulomb barrier. Stellar fusion. Fusion reactors.
- Experimental Methods: Overview, accelerators, beams, particle
interactions with matter. Particle detectors (measurement of position,
momentum, particle identification, energy measurements).
- Review of Dirac equation, covariant form of Dirac equation,
relativity and anti-particles, bilinear covariants, zero mass
- Elementary particles: Lepton multiplets. Lepton numbers. Neutrinos.
Neutrino mixing and oscillations; numbers of neutrinos. Evidence for
quarks; properties of quarks; hadrons. Flavour independence and hadron
- Electroweak Interactions: Charged and neutral currents. Symmetries of
the weak interaction. Spin structure of the interactions. Neutral
kaons. - mixing and CP violation.
Strangeness oscillations.
bosons. Weak interactions of hadrons.
Neutral currents and the unified theory. The Higgs boson.
- L. D. Landau & E. M. Lifshitz, Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3
of A Course of Theoretical Physics, Pergamon Press (1965).
- B. Povh, K. Rith, C. Scholz and F. Zetsche, Particles and
Nuclei: An introduction to the physical concepts, Springer, 6th
edition (2008).
- B. R. Martin and G. Shaw, Particle Physics, 03rd edition, Wiley