[Cr:4, Lc:1, Tt:0, Lb:9]
- Geiger-Muller (GM) Counter based experiments: To become acquainted
with the operation and characteristics of the GM counter. To determine
the best operating voltage and the resolving time of a GM counter. To
determine the dead time of the GM counter. To investigate the
Binomial, Poisson and Gaussian probability distributions by counting
radiation events with a GM counter. To study the statistical
fluctuations which occur in the disintegration rate of an essentially
constant radioactive source. To use a GM detector to detect the gamma
ray emitted by a short-lived excited isotope of Barium.
- Scintillation counter based experiments: To study the scattering of
high-energy photons by electrons. Detection of scattered photons in a
scintillation counter. Measuring energies of scattered photons and
recoil electrons as function of scattering angle. Use a plastic
scintillator as a target and record relative intensities of scattered
photons at several scattering angles.
- G. F. Knoll, Radiation detection and measurement, 03rd edition,
John Wiley and Sons (1999).
- William Leo, Techniques for nuclear and particle physics
experiments:A how-to approach, 02nd edition, Springer Verlag (1994).
- A. Melissinos, Experiments in modern physics, Academic Press