Dr. Debdulal Saha

Assistant Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences

Email debdulals(AT)iisermohali.ac.in
Fax +91 172 2240124
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ORCID ID 0000-0002-3545-653X
Research Area: Labour Economics, Development Economics, Informal Economy, Urban Labour Market, Plantation Economy and Public Policy

Research Focus

My current areas of research include labour market inequality, poverty and precarity, street vending, migration, decent work, producers collectives, labour in tea plantation, and small tea growers. I was engaged in some of the following funded research:
  • ‘Study on Labour Influx under the Civil Works of Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project (APART)’, funded by World Bank and ARIAS Society, Government of Assam. (2020).
  • ‘Decent Work for Tea Plantation Workers in Assam: Constraints, Challenges and Prospects’, funded by Oxfam Germany (2019).
  • ‘Value Chain and Decent Work: Study of Small Tea Growers in India’, funded by International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), University of Kassel, Germany (2018).
  • ‘Multidimensional Poverty and Vulnerability Assessment Survey in Selected three Districts of Meghalaya, India’, funded by International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu. (2017).
  • ‘Financial Accessibility of Street Vendors: Cases of Inclusion and Exclusion’, funded by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). (2011).

Selected Publications

  • Saha, Debdulal. 2020. ‘Producer Collectives through Self-Help: Sustainability of Small Tea Growers in India’, International Review of Applied Economics, 34(4): 471-490
  • Saha, Debdulal. 2017. Informal Markets, Livelihood and Politics: Street Vendors in Urban India, London and New York: Routledge.
  • Bhowmik, Sharit and Debdulal Saha. 2013. Financial Inclusion of the Marginalised: Street Vendors in the Urban Economy, New York and New Delhi: Springer.
  • Saha, Debdulal. 2011. ‘Working Life of Street Vendors in Mumbai’, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 54(2): 301-325.
  • Xaxa, Virginius, Debdulal Saha and Rajdeep Singha (Eds). 2019. Employment and Labour Market in Northeast India: Interrogating Structural Changes, London and New Delhi: Routledge.