Dr. S K Arun Murthi
Assistant Professor , Humanities & Social Sciences

Email arun(AT)iisermohali.ac.in
Phone +91 172 2293171
Fax +91 172 2240266
Personal Page                                                               
Research Area
Philosophy of Science, Analytic Philosophy and Indian Philosophy from analytic perspective.
Research Focus

Philosophy of Science: In the area of philosophy of science I am interested in the philosophical accounts of scientific theories. The issues that I am specifically concerned is whether in the context of science the philosophical positions like realism and empiricism needs reorientation, the philosophical importance of scientific concepts as part of theory building in science. Here my interests are more towards the foundational concepts in the special sciences and towards the emerging area of philosophy of chemistry. The philosophical understanding of scientific concepts is closely tied to the idea of explanations and theories and I attempt to synthesize these notions.

Indian Philosophy: In Indian Philosophy I am interested in the metaphysical and epistemological issues with regard to Avidya in the different systems. Here I draw upon my background in analytic philosophy. Apart from this I am also interested in the comparative study of a) essentialism in the western tradition in different forms (Aristotelian, Lockean and modern) and Sankhya and b) the nature of laws and Vyapti as explicated in different systems in general and Nyaya in particular.

Selected Publications

  • S K Arun Murthi (2009). "Mulavidya Controversy in Advaita Vedanta: was Sankara Himself Responsible?" Journal of Indian of Philosophy, 37: 149-177.
  • S K Arun Murthi and Sundar Sarukkai (2009). "Multisemiosis and Incommensurability" International Studies in Philosophy of Science, Vol. 23 (3), 297-311.
  • S K Arun Murthi and Muthusamy Murugan (2011). "Ethical Dimesnions in Global Climate Change Exploring a Philosophical Perspective: An Analytical Approach" Recent Research in Science and Technology,3 (2), 16-23.