Dr. Santhosh Kumar Pamula
Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Email santhoshkp(AT)iisermohali.ac.in
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Research Area
Operator Theory, Functional Analysis
Research Focus

My research interests lie mostly in the area of Operator Theory. I focus on problems related to linear operators on quaternionic Hilbert spaces, Numerical range of matrices with quaternion entries, pseudo S-spectrum, Study of completely positive maps as well as local completely positive maps and related questions from dilation theory.

Selected Publications

  • Pseudo S-spectra of special operators in quaternionic Hilbert spaces (with K. Dhara), Linear Algebra and its Applications. Vol 656, 345–367 (2023)
  • A Radon-Nikodým theorem for local completely positive invariant multilinear maps (with A. Ghatak), Linear and Multilinear Algebra. Vol 70, 7115–7141 (2022)
  • Stinespring’s theorem for unbounded operator valued local completely positive maps and its applications (with B.V. Rajarama Bhat and Anindya Ghatak), Indagationes Mathematicae, vol 32, 547-578 (2021).
  • Strongly irreducible factorization of Quaternionic operators and Riesz decomposition theorem. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, vol 15 (2021).
  • Spectral theorem for quaternionic normal operators: Multiplication form (with G. Ramesh). Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques. vol 159 (2020), 102840. 
  • A note on convexity of sections of quaternionic numerical range. Linear Algebra and its Applications. vol 572, 92-116, (2019).
  • Borel functional calculus for quaternionic normal operators (with G. Ramesh). Journal of Mathematical Physics. vol 58 (2017), no.5, 053501, 16 pp.