Dr. Jotsaroop Kaur
Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences

Email jotsaroop(AT)iisermohali.ac.in
Phone  +91 172-2240124
Fax +91 172 2240266
Personal Page My Webpage

Research Area:  Harmonic Analysis

Research Focus

I broadly work in Euclidean Harmonic Analysis and its applications to PDE. This also includes study of hypo elliptic operators and the corresponding problems in Harmonic Analysis. I am also interested in studying convergence of Fourier integrals/ series. Recently I have also got involved in studying weighted / unweighted Lp estimates of bilinear operators.

Selected Publications

  • K. Jotsaroop, P.K. Sanjay and S. Thangavelu, Riesz Transform and multipliers for Grushin Operator, J. Analyse Math. Vol 119 (2013) 255-273.
  • K. Jotsaroop and S. Thangavelu, Lp estimates for the wave equation associated to the Grushin operator, Analli della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Vol XIII (2014) Issue 3, 775-794.
  • J. Dziubanski and K. Jotsaroop, On Hardy and BMO spaces for Grushin operator, J. of Fourier Analysis and Applications, (2016) 22, 954-995.
  • K. Jotsaroop, Localisation of Bochner Riesz means on sets of positive Hausdorff dimension in Rd, Indiana University Math. Journal (2018).
  • Weighted estimates for the Bilinear Bochner Riesz means at the critical index(jointly with Saurabh Shrivastava and Kalachand Shuin), Potential analysis 2020.