Dr. P. Balanarayan
Associate Professor , Chemical Sciences

Email balanarayan(AT)iisermohali.ac.in
Phone +91 172 2293
Fax +91 172 2240266
Personal Page                                                               
Research Area
Computational & Theoretical Chemistry

Research Focus

Quantum dynamics, atoms and molecules in strong laser fields, complex scaling calculations for metastable states of atoms and molecules

Selected Publications

  • Prashant Raj and P. Balanarayan, A balancing act of two electrons on a symmetric double-well barrier in a high frequency oscillating field,  Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 3184 (2019).
  • M. Paul and P. Balanarayan, Electronic Rearrangement in Molecular Plasmons: An Electron Density and Electrostatic Potential‐Based Study,  ChemPhysChem 19, 1390 (2018).
  • D. R. Meena, S. R Gadre, P. Balanarayan, PAREMD: A parallel program for the evaluation of momentum space properties of atoms and molecules, Computer Physics Communications 224, 299 (2018).