IISER Mohali, Knowledge city, Sector 81, SAS Nagar, Manauli PO 140306

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Implementation of low cost easySTORM based super-resolution imaging at IITG

Prof Bosanta Ranjan Boruah, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

More about the speaker: Research group website

Location : 5A-AB2
Abstract: Optical microscopy is an important imaging tool for a large number of applications, especially to image biological samples. However resolution achievable with such a microscope is limited due to the diffraction phenomenon, as a result we can not see separation less than the wavelength of light. However, utilising the blinking events of fluorescence molecules, it is possible to localize the individual molecules and hence construct a super-resolved fluorescence image. In this talk I will discuss the implementation of easySTORM, a kind of stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy, STORM, technique at IITG. The experimental arrangement was developed in collaboration with Imperial College London at a cost which is only a fraction of the net cost of a commercial super-resolution microscope. The talk will include basic principles of the imaging scheme, a brief discussion on its novel features and some latest results.

Tea: 11:45am
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