IISER Mohali, Knowledge city, Sector 81, SAS Nagar, Manauli PO 140306

Forthcoming Events

Strongly Interacting and Disordered Quantum Systems

Abhisek Samanta (Ohio State University)

Zoom Link

Location : Online
Abstract: One of the most fascinating examples of interplay between interaction and localization is the destruction of superconductivity in thin-films, leading to Superconductor-Insulator transition (SIT). This transition is driven by the dynamical fluctuations of the amplitude (Higgs) and the phase (Goldstone) modes of the pairing order parameter. We study the evolution of these collective modes with disorder, focusing on their visibility as low-energy sub-gap modes in spectroscopies and optical responses. On the other hand, transport quantities reveal the nature and dynamics of novel excitations across phase transitions and probe the Fermi surfaces. In this regard, we calculate the Hall and thermopower (Seebeck) coefficients of semimetals and doped Mott insulators, and study the effects of interactions on Quantum Oscillations in Kondo insulators.

Meeting ID: 926 9463 6083
Passcode: 439492
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