IISER Mohali, Knowledge city, Sector 81, SAS Nagar, Manauli PO 140306

Forthcoming Events

Exploring Earthquake Rupture Dynamics, Ground Shaking, and Variability

Dr. Jagdish Vyas

Zoom Link

Location : Online
Abstract: Dedicated to advancing seismic hazard assessment, my research delves into earthquake physics, wavefield scattering, and ground shaking variability, utilizing kinematic and dynamic rupture modeling in 3D heterogeneous Earth. Highlighting three pivotal projects (among several) from my doctoral and postdoctoral endeavors, the first dissects ground shaking variability with physics-based modeling, revealing increased intraevent ground-motion variability closer to the fault (20 km) and a subsequent power-law decrease with distance. In the second project, exploring Mach wave coherence during kinematic supershear ruptures, results showcase the nuanced impact of source heterogeneities on coherence near the fault and a more pronounced reduction due to Earth's small-scale structural heterogeneities farther away. The third project investigates the role of thermal pressurization of pore fluids in 3D strike-slip earthquake ruptures, emphasizing shear-zone half-width over hydraulic diffusivity, providing novel insights into earthquake rupture mechanics. These projects collectively transcend traditional earthquake science, reflecting my commitment to advancing seismic hazard understanding, with the intent to emphasize scientific rigor and broader impacts during my faculty interview presentation.

Meeting ID: 944 2649 3601
Passcode: 070134
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