IISER Mohali, Knowledge city, Sector 81, SAS Nagar, Manauli PO 140306

Forthcoming Events

Weather extremes across the Indian region: Understanding, Forecasting, and Climatic Patterns

Dr. Rohit Chakraborty

Zoom Link

Location : Online
Abstract: Severe weather phenomena such as thunderstorms and lightning are widespread across the Indian region, often causing substantial loss of life and property. Despite ongoing efforts, there is still a lack of comprehensive understanding regarding the complex interplay among all known factors responsible for these events. Therefore, this study employs remote sensing techniques and in-situ observations to investigate the origins of such phenomena across various spatial and temporal scales. Initially, multifrequency brightness temperature observations are utilized to nowcast the occurrence and intensity of convective rain events. Subsequently, multi-station radiosonde records are utilized to characterize the convective severity associated with the thunderstorm events. Based on these findings, a hypothesis is formulated to elucidate the recent multi-decadal intensification across all categories of extreme weather events. Furthermore, the study delves into the erratic and devastating nature of atmospheric electrification and lightning, examining how surface and boundary layer processes, urbanization, topography, and large-scale atmospheric phenomena influence its genesis mechanisms across the country. Finally, the research demonstrates how insights gained from the above-mentioned analyses can enhance the prevailing understanding of these processes which in turn can be integrated into local and global models for more reliable predictions across various spatial and temporal scales.

Meeting ID: 944 2649 3601
Passcode: 070134
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