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Evolution of the continental lithosphere during the Supercontinental cycle

Dr. Subham Mukherjee (University of Delhi)

Zoom Link

Location : Online
Abstract: Numerous granite bodies have intruded the Earth’s crust during the formation and fragmentation of supercontinents yet their origin, source and the effect of these granite magmatism during supercontinental cycle remain elusive. Using whole-rock and isotope geochemistry of different suites of granitoids from Chotanagpur Granite Gneissic Complex (CGGC, India), my work demonstrated the relative role of crust and mantle in forming different types of granitoids associated with different stages of supercontinental cycle. While the late Paleoproterozoic arc granite, coeval with the formation of Columbia supercontinent, represented considerable crustal growth, Lu-Hf ratio of Mesoproterozoic extensional granite accounts for extensive crustal reworking. Phase equilibrium study combined with REE modelling further corroborates the crustal reworking model that distributes the elements within the crust and facilitates the chemical differentiation of the lithosphere which promotes a long-term stability to the crust. During the formation of the Rodinia supercontinent, India amalgamated against Antarctica albeit, the timing and the style of the amalgamation remained elusive. Using a suite of deformed mafic dykes and employing the basic concepts of petrology, structural geology and phase equilibrium modelling, my work has demonstrated that the crust in the CGGC was exposed to repeated compression and extension and multiple collisional events led to the final amalgamation of Indo-Antarctic landmass.

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