Mini-Symposium: Ubiquitin Systems and Cellular Processes

Mini-Symposium: Ubiquitin Systems and Cellular Processes (17-18 October 2013) The department of biological sciences (DBS) organized a kick-off symposium titled “Ubiquitin Systems and Cellular Processes from October 17-18, 2013, to initiate a Max Planck – DST partner group, headed by Dr.Shravan Kumar Mishra at IISER Mohali. The symposium had fourteen lectures covering various cellular processes with ubiquitin systems being the central theme.The speakers were from Bose Institute Kolkata, IMTECH Chandigarh, University of Paris, TIFR Bombay, JNCASR Bangalore, NII Delhi, CDFD Hyderabad and the IISERs (Bhopal, Thiruvananthapuram, Pune and Mohali). The speakers discussed their current research work on topics related to cellular processes in lysosome and endoplasmic reticulum, in addition to functions and mechanisms of ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like proteins in cellular signaling, autophagy etc. The number of registered participants for the symposium was more than 150, which included students and researchers from IISER Mohali and various other institutions in India.

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