[Cr:2, Lc:1, Tt:0, Lb:3]
- In this course the emphasis will be on practical knowledge and not on
teaching electronics as a theory subject. The topics below provide a
framework from which the instructor can choose experiments:
- Electronic Devices: Basic concepts of AC & DC current and voltage.
Signals(sinusoidal and other) and signal sources. Voltage and current
relationships in lumped circuit elements(Resistor, Capacitor and
Inductor). Reactance and Impedance. Voltage current sources.
- Passive components. Device principle. Device characteristics(
Semiconductor Diode and diac, power diode, signal diode, zener diode,
LED photo diode varicap). Electromechanical devices, Indicators,
variable components
- Active components: BJT, FET & MOSFET (Device principles,
Characteristics, Comparison and applications). Amplifier. Switching.
Current source.
- Negative resistance Devices: Unijunction Transistor, SCR, TRIAC.
- Power supply principles: Introduction to Linear and SMPS power
supplies, basic principles and differences. Introduction to three
terminal regulators (78XX, 79xx and LM317).
- Device applications. Diode applications (Rectification, Voltage
regulation, Clipping, Clamping, voltage multipliers). Transistor
applications (Amplification, oscillator, current source and Switch).
Configurations(pushpull, Darlington, Bootstrapping, Differential
- Integrated Circuits. Operational amplifier basics. Applications:
Offset null, inverting amplifier, noninverting amplifier, logarithmic
amplifier, integrator, differentiator, comparator, active rectifier,
current to voltage convertion. Timer IC 555 basics , application as
astable, monostable, bistable multivibrator.
- Digital Electronics: Introduction to Boolean Algebra, Number systems,
Logic gates. Short project on a design/simulation application
involving one of the devices studied using circuit simulator and
realise the design on a PCB.
- P. Horowitz & Winfield Hill, The Art of Electronics, 02nd
edition, Cambridge University Press (1989).
- R. L. Boylestad and L. Nashelsky, Electronics devices and
circuit theory, 09th edition, Prentice Hall (2005).
- A. P. Malvino, Electronic principles, 06th edition, Career
Education (1998).