[Cr:2, Lc:1, Tt:0, Lb:3]
- Overview of scientific computing and the role of computers in solving
scientific problems.
- Linux Essentials. Operating System concepts and features. Basic
commands (file, directory and disk related commands). File system and
attributes. I/O devices. Shell and elements of shell programming.
- Editors (Vi and Emacs)
- Number representation in computers and roundoff error. Implications
for numerical computing.
- Python programming. Basics and flowcharts. Data types and building
blocks. Control statement. Functions. Arrays. Input/Output.
- Data visualisation and analysis, statistical analysis, curve fitting
using the least square fit approach.
- Series summation, numerical integration.
- Pseudo random numbers, applications of random sequences in scientific
computing, simulating data and experiments, estimating errors in
experiments using simulations.
- Solutions of algebraic equations, iterative solutions. Recursion
relations, logistics map. Brief overview of fractals resulting from
simple maps. Bisection method. Newton-Raphson method.
- Ordinary differential equations, coupled equations, second order
equations. Applications in evolution of population, reaction rates,
- Systems of linear equations, matrices, row reduction, diagonalisation.
Two dimensional arrays. Cellular automata.
- Richard Peterson, Linux: The Complete Reference 6th edition,
Tata McGraw (2008).
- The online material available at