
HSS647: Geographies of gender and sexuality

        [Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:1, Lb:0]

Course Outline

The course will explore contemporary debates on the mutual constitution of space, place, gender and sexuality. It will investigate (through readings, lectures and fieldwork) processes through which gender and sexuality are spatially constructed. Field research leading to a term paper form a significant portion of the course. The following themes will be covered:

  1. Sex, gender and identity, Gendered social relations
  2. Theory of performativity
  3. Intersectionality
  4. Sexuality, gender and city spaces
  5. Body, home, nation and global as scales of analysis
  6. Emotional geographies
  7. Feminist political ecology
  8. Feminist geopolitics
  9. Queering geography
  10. Auto-ethnography and feminist research methodologies
  11. Feminist pedagogy
  12. Masculinities

Recommended Reading