[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:1, Lb:0]
This course will provide an introduction to the subject matter of economics.
The course will examine how markets function and how supply and demand interact to determine
prices, characteristic and types of market, market failure and role of government in the economy,
macroeconomic issues and measurement, inflation and unemployment, international trade and
macro policies.
What is economics; scope and methods of economics: the science of economics, microeco-
nomics and macroeconomics; core ideas: trade-offs, incentives, exchange, information and
distribution; Economic systems and its types; Problem of economics: scarcity, choice, effi-
ciency; Price, value, property rights; Role of institutions: market, state and society; Major
markets: product, land, labour, capital; Welfare and social choice; Equilibrium concepts
(partial and general).
- Theory of Utility and Consumer’s Choice: Ordinal utility, cardinal utility, indifference curve, choice and preferences, marginal utility,
law of diminishing marginal utility, budget constraint, optimal choice of consumer, income
and substitution effects.
- Theory of Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium:
Demand and supply schedules; price determination and market equilibrium; individual
and market demands; shortages and surpluses; shifts in demand and supply; price, income,
cross-price elasticity; elasticity of demand and supply; Consumer surplus.
- Production, Cost and Theory of Firm:
Economics of organisation; business organisation; factors of production; production func-
tion; total, average and marginal products; law of diminishing returns; returns to scale;
profits and costs; production in short-run and long-run; economies of scope; fixed, variable
and total costs; average and marginal costs; opportunity costs and markets .
- Perfect Markets:
Behavior of profit maximizing firms; firms supply curve; total cost and shutdown condition;
output under short-run and long-run.
- Labour Markets: Labour supply decision (leisure, consumption and trade-off); demand
for labour; labour demand, labour supply and equilibrium wage.
- Capital Markets: Supply in capital market; Demand in capital market; saving behavior; capital investment (physical and human capital); time value of money and present
discounted value.
- The Efficiency of Competitive Markets: competitive markets and efficiency (consumer surplus and producer surplus); Pareto efficiency; general equilibrium.
- Imperfect Markets: Types of imperfect competitors; imperfect information; externalities
(private cost versus social cost); market failure
- Monopoly output: Monopoly profits; price discrimination; economies of scale and natural monopoly; product differentiation, equilibrium with monopolistic competition; problem
with natural monopoly; regulation and cross-subsidisation.
- Oligopoly: Collusion and cartel; entry deterrence and trade-off; strategic behaviour and
game theory; Nash equilibrium; Sequential game.
- Imperfection with product market: Imperfect information, adverse selection and
moral hazard; signalling, job search and advertising.
- Imperfections in labour market: Labour union; wage differentials; motivating workers;
Incentive and efficiency.
- Introduction to different schools of thoughts (Classical, Keynesian and Monetarism); full-
employment and growth; measuring output and growth (GDP and value of output); un-
employment (forms of unemployment, flows and stocks, Okuns Law); Cost of living and
inflation (inflation, deflation and stagflation); Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer
Price Index (PPI); The full-employment model (deficit and surplus, growth rate and pro-
ductivity, total factor productivity).
- Money and price level: demand for money, price and velocity; money supply and neutrality of money; deposits and types of money (M1, M2, M3); money multiplier; Monetary
- Macroeconomic fluctuations: Recession, expansion and output gap; sticky wages and
sticky price; short-run inflation rate and unemployment rate (Phillips Curve); aggre-
gate expenditure, savings and income; Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment
(NAIRU); Aggregate demand and inflation (ADI).
- WORLD ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT: Absolute Advantage; Comparative
Advantage; Opportunity Costs in Trade Theory; Globalisation and Trade; Role of macro
policies (fiscal and money); Issues in public policy; International trade and trade policy.
- Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach, New York & London: W. W.
Norton & Company, Hal R. (2010)..
- Samuelson, P.A. and Nordhaus, W.D. Economics, New Delhi: McGraw Hill. (1995).
- Koutsoyiannis, A., Modern Microeconomics, Macmillan, (1975).
- Dornbusch, Rudiger, Fischer, Stanley and Startz, Richard., Macroeconomics, New York:
McGraw-Hill Education. (2017).
- Mankiw, N. Gregory, Economics: Principles and Applications, Delhi: South-Western,
- Snowdon, Brian and Vane, Howard R. Modern. Macroeconomics: Its Origins, Develop-
ment and Current State, Cheltenham & Northampton: Edward Elgar. (2005).
- Stiglitz, Joseph E. and Walsh, Carl E., Economics, New York & London: W. W. Norton
& Company, (2006).
- Acemoglu, Daron, Laibson, David and List John A, Economics, New York & London: Pear-
son (2016).