The complete list of minors is given below. All minors require 16 credits from courses within the minors basket with the exception of Earth and Environmental Studies that requires 20 credits.
Information about courses approved for each minor and other details may be obtained from the relevant coordinators.
Number | Title |
IDC201 | Astronomy and Astrophysics |
PHY635 | Gravitation and Cosmology |
PHY637* | Astrophysics |
PHY638 | Physics of Fluids |
PHY654* | Galaxies and Cosmology |
PHY663 | Relativistic cosmology and the early universe |
PHY669 | High Energy Astrophysics |
PHY670 | Radio Astronomy |
* Essential for this minor
Number | Title |
EES403 | Remote Sensing and GIS |
EES404 | Basic meteorology |
EES405 | Climate data analysis and visualization |
IDC405 | Atmospheric dynamics |
EES406 | Introduction to atmospheric and climate sciences |
EES409 | Tropical Weather and Climate |
IDC632 | Introduction to atmospheric chemistry and physics |
IDC635 | Aerosol measurements: Principles and applications |
EES638 | Paleoclimatology |
Any four of the biology major mandatory or elective courses may be chosen for this.
Any student, who is a major in a subject other than Chemical Sciences, can get a "Minor in Chemistry" if he/she takes four courses from at least two disciplines among the three broad disciplines (Inorganic/Organic/ Physical Chemistry) as per the following list of courses. Some of these courses have a prerequisite indicated within parenthesis. Students with non 'F' grade in the prerequisite courses can opt for the corresponding CHM6xx course.
Number | Title |
CHM301 | Quantum chemistry |
CHM304 | Symmetry in chemistry |
CHM307 | Electrochemistry and ionic equilibria |
CHM401 | Molecular spectroscopy |
CHM404 | Statistical Thermodynamics |
CHM602 | Magnetic Resonance (Prerequisites: CHM301/PHY302, CHM401/PHY403) |
CHM607 | Chemical crystallography |
CHM615 | Kinetics and dynamics of chemical reactions |
(PrerequisitesCHM301/PHY302, CHM401/PHY403, CHM404/PHY304) | |
CHM619 | Numerical methods in chemistry |
CHM620 | Energetics and dynamics of chemical reactions-2 |
Number | Title |
CHM302 | Organic chemistry |
CHM305 | Physical Organic chemistry |
CHM604 | Advanced Organic chemistry |
CHM606 | Bio-organic chemistry (Prerequisites: CHM302 or IDC 202) |
CHM610 | Chemistry of natural products (Prerequisites: CHM302, CHM604) |
CHM611 | Frontier of organometallic Chemistry (Prerequisites: CHM306) |
CHM612 | Asymmetric Synthesis & Catalysis (Prerequisites: CHM302) |
CHM613 | Supramolecular chemistry |
CHM626 | Photochemistry-concepts, techniques and applications |
(Prerequisites: CHM305) |
Number | Title |
CHM303 | Main group chemistry |
CHM306 | Transition Metal chemistry |
CHM402 | Chemistry of materials |
CHM601 | Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (Prerequisites: CHM303 and CHM306) |
CHM607 | Chemical crystallography |
CHM608 | Advanced industrial chemistry |
CHM609 | Polymer Chemistry |
CHM611 | Frontier of organometallic Chemistry (Prerequisites: CHM306) |
CHM618 | Bioinorganic Chemistry (Prerequisites: CHM306) |
CHM622 | Chemistry, energy and environment |
CHM623 | Concepts in nanomaterials and chemical applications |
Number | Title |
IDC409* | Introduction to Data Science |
IDC410* | Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligenc |
IDC407 | Network Science |
EES405 | Climate Data Analysis and Visualization |
MTH407 | Algorithms and Complexity |
BIO411 | Bioinformatics |
PHY422 | Computational Methods in Physics I |
PHY425 | Computational Methods in Physics II |
IDC621 | Modelling Complex Systems |
PHY622 | Mathematical Methods for physicsts III |
IDC402 | Nonlinear dynamics, chaos and complex systems |
IDC207 | Number theory and cryptography |
CHM619 | Numerical methods in chemistry |
IDC401 | Theoretical Biology |
IDC306 | Biocomputing |
* Compulsory in this minor.
Number | Title |
HSS617 | From Plassey to Partition: A History of Modern India |
HSS622 | Cities: Urban Theory and Laboratory |
HSS623 | Bodily Encounters: Mobility, Migrancy and Movement |
HSS626 | Economic History of Modern India |
HSS630 | Social Theory and Religion |
HSS634 | Themes in Infrastructure Studies |
HSS646 | Principles of Economics |
HSS647 | Geographies of Gender and Sexuality |
HSS648 | Development Economics: Theory, Policy and Practice |
HSS649 | Themes in Environmental Histories of India |
HSS650 | Public Policy (Mandatory course) |
Number | Title |
EES301 | Sedimentology and Concepts in Stratigraphy |
EES408 | Igneous and metamorphic petrology |
EES403 | Remote Sensing and GIS |
EES405 | Climate data analysis and visualization |
EES407 | Environment impact and risk assessment |
EES645 | Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction |
Number | Title |
EES301 | Sedimentology and Concepts in Stratigraphy |
EES3xx | Structural Geology |
EES402 | Geomorphology and earth surface processes |
EES403 | Remote Sensing and GIS |
EES408 | Igneous and metamorphic petrology |
IDC631 | Introduction to Geochemistry |
EES636 | The quarternary period-environments, animals |
adaptations during the last 2.5 million years | |
EES638 | Paleoclimatology |
EES640 | Global tectonics |
EES641 | Radiogenic isotope geology |
EES303 | Mineralogy |
EES410 | Economic Geology |
EES644 | Principles of microwave remote sensing |
EES645 | Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction |
Number | Title |
EES302 | Sustainable interactions with the Atmosphere, Hydrosphere and Pedosphere |
EES401 | Statistical tools in Earth and |
Environmental sciences | |
EES403 | Remote sensing and GIS |
EES407 | Environmental impact and risk assessment |
EES642 | Environmental microbiology |
EES643 | Environmental biotechnology |
EES645 | Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction |
IDC408 | Environmental hygiene, sanitation |
and waste management | |
HSS636 | Climate change and sustainable development |
Number | Title |
HSS613 | The Social History of Science in Modern India, 1780-1950 |
HSS617 | From Plassey to Partition: A History of Modern India |
HSS618 | India from Prehistory to Early History |
HSS620 | Imagining India: An Intellectual History of Orientalism |
HSS626 | Economic History of Modern India |
HSS627 | Idea of India: Intellectual Imaginary of Nation |
HSS649 | Themes in Environmental Histories of India |
Any four of the mathematics major mandatory or elective courses may be chosen for this, subject to prerequisites. A consultation with the mathematics minors committee is recommended for choosing courses.
Any four of the physics major mandatory or elective courses may be chosen for this, subject to prerequisites.
Number | Title |
HSS636*** | Climate Change and Sustainable Development |
HSS642* | Science and Society |
IDC408*** | Environmental Hygiene, Sanitation and Waste Management |
IDC411** | School Science Curriculum and Textbooks |
IDC412* | Field Experience in Science Education |
IDC636** | Pedagogy of Science |
IDC637** | Science Communication |
* Mandatory for this minor.
** At least one of these courses must be completed for this minor.
*** At most one of these courses may be done for this minor.
Number | Title |
HSS304 | Visual Art: Studio practice and theory |
HSS602 | Social theory: Concepts and Debates |
HSS612 | The Idea of evolution: Before and after Darwin |
HSS613 | The social history of science in modern India, 1780-1950 |
HSS614 | Women's history of science |
HSS615 | Introduction to archeology with special reference to the Indian subcontinent |
HSS616 | Bones, stones & chromosomes: The story of our evolution |
HSS622 | Cities: Urban theory and laboratory |
HSS625 | The archaeology of ancient technologies |
HSS628 | Epistemology of science |
HSS629 | Metaphysics of science |
HSS632 | Philosophy of rationality |
HSS634* | Themes in infrastructure studies |
HSS636* | Climate change and sustainable development |
HSS638 | Ethnographic research and writing |
HSS642 | Science and society |
HSS646 | Principles of Economics |
HSS648 | Development Economics: Theory, Policy & Practice |
* These courses are not a part of the minor for MS20 and junior batches.