The minors program allows students to claim recognition for a second
specialization other than the majors.
This can be done by taking a set of courses in the area.
Details of the program are as follows.
- All courses for minors and specializations are to be taken as open
- The list of minors/specializations and the courses for each of these
is given below along with the credit requirements. Please note that
basket of courses for some of the minors/specializations has a few
mandatory courses.
- A student may apply for a minor at any stage between the award of
majors and the beginning of the th semester. This application is
- Students need to claim the minor by filling out a form before the
end-semester exams during their last semester.
- Students need to have a CPI 6.0 at the time of application and
claiming the minor.
- A given course cannot count towards two requirements. Thus a course
taken for a minor cannot be counted towards any other mandatory
requirement for graduation.
- Students need to have a CPI 6.0 in the courses for minors and
no F grades in this set of courses in order to qualify for the minor.