[Cr:2, Lc:2, Tt:0, Lb:0]
- History of the Universe and Earth’s Geosphere, Atmosphere, Biosphere and the Evolution of Life
- Natural Biogeochemical Cycles and influence of Anthropogenic perturbations: Case study of global carbon cycle
- Soil and Land use: Impact of soil loss and land cover on biogeochemical cycle, Fertilizers and Green Revolution, Agricultural practices and environmental footprints
- Biodiversity. Problems and issues in biodiversity and forestry. Conservation and utilization of biodiversity, Biomes, landscapes, ecosystems
- Hydrological cycle, water resource conservation, rain water harvesting methods, Water Treatment, Regulation of Water Quality, Water purification methods: pros and cons, Water footprint of consumer products
- Renewable and non-renewable sources of energy, fossil fuels and biofuels
- Earth’s Climate: Radiation balance, Albedo: Particles and Clouds, Greenhouse Effect, International Agreements on Greenhouse Gases, Global warming and Climate change, Impacts of climate change on the Indian environment
- Air quality determinants and criteria air pollutants and their effects
- Toxic Chemicals, Acute and Chronic Toxicity, Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment, Waste treatment and segregation, Waste as a resource through 3Rs
- Sustainable development, Case Studies of Environmental Pollution Episodes and Successful Interventions, Glimpses of Field Work; Composting methods
- D. B. Botkin & E. A. Keller, Earth as a Living Planet, 08th edition, John Wiley & Sons (2010).
- Stanley E. Manahan, Environmental Chemistry, Publisher: CRC Press; 9th edition ISBN-10: 1420059203; ISBN-13: 978-1420059205
- J. Girard, Principles of Environmental Chemistry, Jones & Bartlett Learning; ISBN-10: 0763759392; ISBN-13: 978-0763759391
- W. Schlesinger & E. S. Bernardt Biogeochemistry, An Analysis of Global Change, ISBN-13: 978-0123858740, ISBN-10: 0123858747
- M. Jacobson, R. J. Charlson, H. Rodhe, G. H. Orians, Earth System Science, Volume 72: From Biogeochemical Cycles to Global Changes (International Geophysics), ISBN-13: 978-0123793706, ISBN-10: 012379370X
- Down to Earth magazine.