[Cr:3, Lc:2, Tt:1, Lb:0]
- Macroscopic and microscopic point of view, scope of thermodynamics,
thermal equilibrium and zeroth law, equation of state. Hydrostatic
systems. Examples.
- Intensive and extensive coordinates, Quasi-static process, work for
hydrostatic systems, PV diagrams, path dependence of work, exact
- Work and heat, internal energy function, First law, differential form,
heat capacity, heat reservoirs.
- Second law, Carnot cycle, Carnot theorem, Kelvin-Planck statement,
Clausius statement, entropy and second law, entropy of ideal gas,
principle of increase of entropy.
- Entropy maximum principle, energy minimum principle, Legendre
transforms, thermodynamic potentials.
- Physical interpretation of entropy, two-level systems, deviation from
most probable state, canonical formalism.
- H. B. Callen, Thermodynamics and introduction to
thermostatistics, 2nd edition, Wiley & Sons (1985).
- C. Kittel and H. Kroemer, Thermal Physics, 2nd edition,
W. H. Freeman Inc. (1980).
- M. W. Zemansky and R.H.Dittman, Heat and Thermodynamics, 7th
edition, McGraw-Hill Inc. (1997).