[Cr:3, Lc:2, Tt:1, Lb:0]
- Electrostatics: charges and fields. Charge distributions. Gauss's Law.
- The electric potential, the physical meaning of the divergence and the
curl. Work and energy in electrostatics.
- Electric fields around conductors. Capacitors and capacitance. The
Uniqueness Theorem. The Boundary-value problem.
- Electric fields in matter. Polarization. Bound charges. Field inside a
dielectric. Linear dielectrics. Boundary value problems.
- Electric currents. Charge transport and current density. Electrical
conductivity and Ohm's law. Energy dissipation.
- Fields of moving charges: From Oersted to Einstein. Magnetic forces.
Electric field measured in different frames of reference. Force on a
moving charge. The Magnetic field. Vector potential. How fields
- Magnetic fields in matter. Diamagnets, paramagnets and ferromagnets.
Torques and forces on magnetic dipoles. Bound currents. Auxiliary
field. Linear and nonlinear media. Ferromagnetism, susceptibility and
- Electrodynamics: Electromagnetic induction and Faraday's law. Energy
and momentum in electrodynamics. The Displacement Current. Maxwell's
- E. M. Purcell, Electricity and Magnetism (Berkeley Physics
Course Vol 2), 02nd edition, Tata-McGrawHill (2008).
- R. P. Feynman, R.B. Leighton, and M. Sands, The Feynman Lectures
of Physics Vol 2, Narosa Publishing House (2008).
- D. J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 03rd edition,
Dorling Kindersley (2007).