[Cr:3, Lc:2, Tt:1, Lb:0]
- Review of calculus, vectors, rotations, polar co-ordinates. Velocity
and acceleration in polar co-ordinates. Newton's laws of motion.
Configuration space and phase space. Notion of system Hamiltonian.
- Frames of reference. Inertial and accelerated frames. Centrifugal and
Coriolis forces. Foucault's pendulum. Galilean transformations.
- Conservation laws. Conservation of energy, momentum and angular
momentum. Their connection with symmetry principles.
- Central Force problem. Inverse-square law force. Derivation of orbit
equation. Kepler's laws.
- Oscillations. Harmonic oscillator. Damped oscillations. Driven damped
oscillations. Coupled oscillations and normal modes of motion.
- Motion of rigid bodies. Angular momentum, angular velocity, moment of
inertia, product of inertia, principal axes. Euler's equations.
Examples with fixed axis of rotation.
- Special theory of relativity. Relativistic kinematics. Lorentz
transformations. Length contraction, time dilation. Velocity addition.
Four-vectors. Doppler effect.
- C. Kittel, Mechanics Volume 1 Berkeley Physics Course,
02nd edition(Special Indian Edition), Tata-McGraw Hill Ltd New Delhi
- D. Kleppner and R. Kolenkow, An Introduction to Mechanics,
McGraw Hill Inc USA (1973).
- R. Resnick, D. Halliday and K. S. Krane, Physics Vol 1, 4th
edition, John Wiley, (1991).
- A. P. French, Newtonian Mechanics (M.I.T. Introductory Physics
Series), CBS Publishers and distributers, New Delhi (1987).