[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:1, Lb:0]
- Chemical composition of organic matter: Structure of natural products;
Geochemical implications of compositional variation;
- Production, preservation and degradation of organic matter:
Depositional environments associated with accumulation of organic
- Long term fate of organic matter: Diagenesis; Humic material;
Catagenesis and metagenesis; Distribution of fossil organic carbon;
- Chemical stratigraphic concepts: Biologically mediated
transformations; Diagenesis at a molecular level; Source of
environmental indicators; Thermal maturity and molecular
transformations; Maturity of organic carbon; Isotopic paleontology;
- Origin of petroleum: Deep earth gas hypothesis; Abiogenic hydrocarbon
gases; Thermogenic hypothesis;
- Properties of elements and mineral reactions Periodic table; States of
matter; Geochemical classification; Nucleus and radioactivity; Early
diagenesis; Hydrothermal reactions; Metamorphism;
- Fractionation of stable isotopes: Principles of stable isotope
fractionation; Phanerozoic climates; Rise of atmospheric oxygen;
Geochemical environment and the origin of life;
- The solid Earth: Geochemical variability of magma; Magmatism of
different tectonic sites; Growth of Continental crust;
- G. Faure, Geochemistry: Principles and Applications of
Geochemistry, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall (1998).
- G. Faure and T. M. Mensing, Isotopes: Principles and
Applications, Wiley (2004).
- S. D. Killops and V. J. Killops, An Introduction to Organic
Geochemistry, Wiley-Blackwell (2005).
- W. H. Schlesinger, Biogeochemistry: Treatise on Geochemistry
Volume 8, Elsevier Science (2005).