[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:0, Lb:1]
In-silico modeling and computational analysis
of intracellular processes and genome and protein sequences
to study their structure and function.
- Cell as an information-processing system.
- DNA and Proteins as informational molecules.
- Biochemical pathways and cellular processes: Models of
regulation; Basics of metabolic control analysis, and flux
balance analysis.
- Network analysis of genes, protein structure, protein-protein interactions, and biochemical pathways.
- Basic data mining/machine learning applications in biology.
- James M. Bower, Hamid Bolouri, Computational Modeling of Genetic and Biochemical
Networks Ane Books (2004).
- Christopher Fall, Eric Marland, John Wagner, John Tyson,
Computational Cell Biology Springer (2002).
- Julio Collado-Vides and Ralf Hofestädt, Gene Regulation
and Metabolism MIT Press (2004).