[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:1, Lb:0]
- Timeline of curriculum ideas in science:
- The perspective of curriculum of school science education in India. Kothari commission, 1975 Minimum Learning Continuum, 1975/1988 Core Curriculum, 2000 National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005/2006 NCF.
NCERT position paper of science.
- Understanding the principles that guide syllabus and the challenges.
Decision regarding information, concept, skill, reasoning and imagination.
- Balancing of concepts and information. Its challenges.
- (a) Teaching and learning of science and relationship with language.
(b) Teaching and learning of science and relationship with Mathematics.
- Tracing the development of a series of concepts from class 6th to 10th. For
example: (a) Force, energy, power (b) Cell (C) Physiological processes (d) Oxidation, reducting (e) Molecule, atom and valency
- Analysing the construction of chapter in science and the consideration in choices with possible alternatives.
- What is a good science text book? Characteristics and elements.
- Designing worksheets and exercises, nature, purpose, development
- Improtance of historical develpment fo certain ideas and their integration into the text.
- Akker, Jan Van Den (1988). 'Curriculum Section 4' in B.J. Fraser and K.G.Tobin(end), International Handbook of Science Education, Great Britain: Kluwer Academic Publisher. (421-447).
- Dewey, John (2014), Democracy and Education, Delhi: Aakar Books.
- Dewey, John (1966), The Child and the Curricula: The School and Society, Chicago: The University of Chicago press.
- Duschi, Richard A. (1990), Restructuring Science Education: The Importance of Theories and Their Development, New York: Teachers College, Columbia University.
- Edgar Jenkins (2007), School science: a questionable constuct?, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 39:3, 265-282. DOI: 10.1080/00220270701245295 To link to this article:
- Small Science Textbooks, Workbooks and Teacher's Books for Classes 1-5,
Mumbai: HBSCE.
- Kumar, K. (1983), Science Education and Development, New Series No. 2. New Delhi: CSDS.
- Linn, Marcia c. (1998), Educational Technology Section 3 in B.J. Fraser and K.G. Tobin (eds), International Handbook of Science Education Great Britain: Kluwer Academic Publisher.265-294.
- Matthews, Michael R. (1998), History and Philosophy of Science Section 9 in B.J. Fraser and K.G.Tobin (eds), International Handbook of Science Education, Great Britain: Kluwer Academic Publisher. 981-999.
- N.C.E.R.T. (2000), National Curriculum Framework, New Delh N.C.E.R.T.
- N.C.E.R.T. (2005), National Curriculum Framework, New Delhi N.C.E.R.T.
- Report (1966), National Education Commission 1964-66. New Delhi: Government of India.
- Saxena, Sadhna (2006), Questions of Epistemology: Re-evaluating Constructivism and the NCF 2005, Contemporary Education Dialogue.4(2) 52-71.
- Tobin, Kenneth, Jane Butler Kahle and baryy J Fraser (1990), Windows into Science Classrooms: Problems Associated With Higher Level Cognitive Learning, London: The Falmer Press.