[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:1, Lb:0]
- Review of thermodynamics and equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. Partition function for interacting system, virial expansion. Zeros of the partition function.
- Ising model, mean eld theory, Brag Williams approximation. Equivalence of Ising model to other models, Spontaneous magnetization, Solution of Ising model using transfer matrix, high and low temperature expansions and Monte Carlo simulations.
- Order parameter, correlation function, critical exponents, scaling hypothesis, importance of dimensionality. Landau free energy, Landau-Ginzburg mean eld theory, Functional integration, Gaussian model.
- Renormalization group transformations, xed points, real and momentum space renormalization.
- Non-linear model, XY model, Two dimensional solids and melting (Kosterlitz-Thouless transition).
- Kerson Huang, Statistical Mechanics, Second Ed. John Wiley Sons, Singapore 2000.
- R. K. Pathria,Statistical Mechanics, Second Ed. Butterworth-Heineman Oxford 1996.
- N. Goldenfeld, Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Renormalization Group, Levant Books, Kolkata 2005.
- J. J. Binney, N. J. Dowrick, A. J. Fisher & M. E. J. Newman,The theory of Critical Phenomena, Oxford 2002.
- J. M. Yeomans, Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions, Oxford 1997.