[Cr:3, Lc:2, Tt:1, Lb:0]
- Animal Behaviour: Ethology. Approaches to the study of behaviour.
Learning and instinct. Development of behaviour. Communication as a
key element in many animal behaviours. Circadian rhythms.
- Behavioural ecology: Evolution forces shape behaviour. Foraging
behaviour. Territorial behaviour. Reproductive behaviour. Competition
and sexual selection. Mating systems. Evolution of social behaviour.
Examples of kin selection. Group living and the evolution of social
- Population ecology: Single population growth models in continuous and
discrete time Importance of time lags. Stable points, cycles and
chaos. Effects of perturbations. Metapopulation dynamics.
- Community Ecology: Species interactions Lotka-Volterra models of
competition and predation. Competitive exclusion, resource
partitioning and other outcomes of competition.
- Conservation biology: Quantifying biodiversity. Overview of
biodiversity crisis. Accelarating extinction rates. Why conservation
is important. Speices endemism and hotspots. Vulnerable species.
Factors responsible fore extinction: overexploitation, introduced
species, disruption of ecological relationships, loss of genetic
variation, Habitat loss and fragmentation. Approaches for preserving
endangered species.
- D. Sadava, W. K. Purves, G. H. Orians, and H. C. Heller, Life:
the science of biology, 8th Edn., Sinauer Assoc. & Freeman & Co.
- N. A. Campbell, J. B. Reece, R. B. Jackson, M. L. Cain, L. A. Urry, S.
A. Wasserman, P. V. Minorsky, Biology, 8th Edn.
Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co. (2007).