[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:1, Lb:0]
- Topics on Epistemology: Introductory discussions on epistemology as a
branch of philosophy- The major themes that concern epistemology like
sources of knowledge, nature of belief and justification and skepticism.
Sources of justification. Traditional analysis of the concept of
knowledge. Gettier counterexamples to the traditional analysis of
knowledge. Theories of justification including foundationalism,
coherentism, reliabilism and virtue epistemology. Internalism and
Externalism. Skepticism. An Introduction to Indian Epistemology.
- Logic: What is the subject matter of logic? Basic terms in logic. Truth,
validity, argument and propositions. Fallacies in logic. Purposes and
types of definitions. Categorical syllogism. Compound statements,
connectives and their truth. Statement forms material equivalence and
logical equivalence. Formal proofs of validity, invalidity and
inconsistency. Quantifier logic. Nature of Evidence and nature of
arguments by analogy. An introduction to philosophical logic. Schools of
thought in Indian logic.
- Robert Audi, Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to Theory of
Knowledge Routledge (2010).
- Noah Lemos, An Introduction to Theory of Knowledge Cambridge University
Press (2007).
- Paul Moser, Oxford Handbook of Epistemology Oxford (2005).
- Copi and Cohen, Introduction to Logic Prentice Hall
- Cohan and Nagel, An Introduction to Logic and Scientific
Method Hackett Publishing (1934).
- A. C. Grayling, Introduction to Philosophical Logic
Blackwell (2001).
- Jwala Prasad, History of Indian Logic Munshiram Monharlal
Publishers (1987).