
HSS621: Intellectual and cultural sources of modernity

        [Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:1, Lb:0]

Course Outline

This course is aimed at answering the question: What is modernity? What makes a society modern? How does the Indian experience of modernity differ from societies in Europe and North America and from its neighbors in Asia?

This course will start with the assumption that the transition from traditional to modern societies results from the interaction of a number of deeply structural processes of change taking place over a long period of time. These processes include the political, the economic, the social and the cultural. While the political (the rise of the nation state) and the economic (the rise of industrial capitalism) will not be ignored, the emphasis will be on the social and cultural/intellectual factors in the emergence of modernity.

We will focus on the following cultural and intellectual movements that have shaped the modern consciousness:

How these intellectual-social currents, which gathered force first in Europe, Britain and North America gradually became globalized will be our second main focus of interest. Here we will look at:

Selected Readings