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- Introduction to the basics of archaeology: Definition of archaeology within anthropology including various terminologies, excavation and analytical methods, subject aims and its close links with science in general. Multidisciplinary uses of various hard sciences and social sciences. Study of ancient material culture starting from about 2.6 million years ago up to the Iron Age. Geochronological methods. The three phases of humanity (prehistory, proto-history and historical times) and their various sources of knowledge (physical cultural remains including artifacts and architecture, the human fossil evidence, various sources of ancient literature, modern ethnography and other related sources.)
- Global examples and case studies: Key artifacts, sites and site-complexes, and multiple data and examples from Africa, Eurasia, Australasia, the Americas, Indian Subcontinent or South Asia (India, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka). History of Indian archaeology. Theoretical perspectives vs. empirical data. Key conceptual perspectives: human evolution, tool invention, agriculture, domestication and the rise of civilization and urbanization.
- Roots of human culture and cultural identity, stability and change: Examples of both indigenous developments of culture, and external influences on regional cultures through human dispersals, economic/cultural interactions etc. Viewing archaeology as human ecology. Current debates and controversies in global and Indian archaeology. Relevance of archaeology in modern society and the scope of the discipline in India.
- Related activities: Few field trips to local and regional museums and archaeological and geological sites in its original cultural and geological contexts. Handling of artifacts, registration and documentation of artifacts, presentations and discussions.
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