[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:0, Lb:0]
- Research design: formulating viable research questions, theory/model
building in social sciences and humanities, relationship of
epistemology to methodology, mixed methods approach, triangulation,
planning data collection and data analysis, exploring bias and rigour
in qualitative research, history of qualitative inquiry
- Theoretical basis of qualitative inquiry: positivism, realism,
hermeneutics, critical theory, grounded theory, ethnography,
semiology, discourse analysis, narrative, memoirs, psychoanalysis,
critical arts- based inquiry, participatory action research, oral
history, autoethnography, visual methodologies, feminist research,
transformative research and critical pedagogy
- Data collection and analysis methods: case studies, interviews, oral
histories, participant-observation, survey techniques, archival data
collection, focus groups, data transcription, photo-voice and film-
making as research tools, content analysis, coding, comparative
analysis, longitudinal analysis, online inquiry, multimedia analysis,
Nvivo software
- Ethics in social research: subject and object of study, research
regulations, disclosure and consent, reflexivity, research in
difficult situations such as in violent zones or with emotionally
troubled subjects, insider/outsider subjectivities
- Denzin and Lincoln, Sage handbook of qualitative research, Sage
- R. Gillian, Visual methodologies: an introduction to the
interpretation of visual methodologies, Sage (2007).
- V. Amit(Ed.), Constructing the field: Ethnographic fieldwork in
the contemporary world, Routledge (2000).
- A. Grimshaw, The ethnographer's eye: Ways of seeing in modern
anthropology, Cambridge University Press, (2001).
- Other material: voice recorder, transcriber, digital still and video