[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:1, Lb:0]
- Components of the earth's climate system; causes, controls and feedback mechanisms of the climate system.
- The Indian monsoon; monsoon and global teleconnections; decadal and interannual variability of the Indian monsoon.
- Introduction to paleoclimatology; terrestrial and marine archives of past climate change; dating paleoclimatic archives; methodological approaches and proxies used in climate research.
- Overview of Earth’s long-term climate history; Climate change hypotheses & major climatic events starting with formation of the atmosphere; Oceans and climate change.
- Orbital Changes & Ice Age climates; Quaternary and Holocene climates; Climate change during the last millennium; Insolation control of monsoons and ice sheets.
- Human civilizations and climate change; projections for future climate change.
- W. F. Ruddiman. Earth's Climate: past and future, W.H. Freeman & Son, 2nd edition (2008).
- T. M Cronin, Paleoclimates: understanding climate change past and present, Columbia University Press (2009).
- B. Wang, The Asian monsoon, Springer Science & Business Media (2006).