[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:1, Lb:0]
- Overview of Tropical Meteorology:
- Solar energy, Vertical structure of the tropical at-
mosphere (convection, planetary boundary layer, Radiative convective equilibrium), The
global energy balance, Scales of tropical weather systems (meso, synoptic and planetary
scales), Tropical Climatology
- Tropical Circulations:
- Zonally averaged tropical Circulation, Theory of the Hadley and
Walker cells, Zonally asymmetric features of the tropics, Longitudinal dependence of the
circulation in the Tropics-macroscale circulations, The intertropical Convergence Zone and
associated concepts, Trade wind inversion, Moisture distribution in the tropical atmo-
sphere, pressure and precipitation distribution, Air masses and fronts: sources, origin and
classification and associated weather systems
- Tropical Monsoons:
- Global perspective of monsoonstheories, Monsoon intraseasonal oscil-
lations, Mechanism for temporal scale selection and propagation, Large scale Jet streams
and their characteristics, Easterly waves, tropical depressions, Continental Tropical Con-
vergence Zone, Regional characteristics of monsoon system
- Tropical Cyclones:
- Structure and Mechanisms Life cycle, surface and upper air struc-
tures, budgets of momentum and energy, formation and movement variability of hurricane
intensity, Impact of global warming on the frequency of tropical cyclones
- Tropical Climate Drivers and teleconnection processes:
- Madden Julian Oscillations (MJO),
El NioSouthern Oscillation (ENSO), El Nino Modoki, Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), Quasi-
Biennial Oscillation (QBO), Climate sensitivity and feedbacks
- Dynamics of Tropical Atmosphere:
- Scale analysis of tropical motions, cumulus convection
and convective heating, scale interaction in the tropics
- Asnani, G. C., Tropical Meteorology (three volumes), Asnani Publishers, 1993.
- Riehl H, Tropical Meteorology, McGraw Hill , First Edition
- Saha, K., Tropical Circulation Systems and Monsoons, Springer, 2009
- Holton J R, An Introduction to Dynamical Meteorology, Academic Press
- Krishnamurti, T.N., Stefanova, L., V. Misra, Tropical Meteorology An introduction