[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:1, Lb:0]
Knowledge of the content of IDC203 and IDC208 is essential to follow this course.
- Human action as agent of change in the Earth system, impact on ecosystems and rate of species extinction, impact on global river and water vapour flows on land, stratospheric ozone depletion, climate change
- Limits to growth, population dynamics and the concept of the carrying capacity of Earth k or r selection? The implications of low, medium or high UN population peak projections in relation to the estimated carrying capacity of Earth
- What will limit Human population growth: Energy, water, soils, ecosystem health, human choices, or healthcare in the post-antibiotic age?
- Biosphere integrity, biochemical flows, freshwater use, land system change, climate change, ocean acidification, stratospheric ozone depletion, atmospheric aerosol loading, chemical pollution of soil, air and water, antibiotic overuse and multi resistant bacteria
- Linkages between ecological footprint and carrying capacity, Earth overshoot day and lessons from coupled climate economy models.
- Case studies: How a “vegan world” can run a climate-economy model into a “little ice age” and why a “happy world” with 2500 kcal of the average American diet crashes the model run before reaching present day.
- The Hubberts curve and the challenge of predicting global “Peak Oil”, “Peak Phosphorous”, “Peak Water” and “Peak Coal”.
- Phosphorus cycle and other limiting mineral resources
- Water cycle
- Soil and Ecosystem health
- Waste and wastewater management
- Human healthcare in the post antibiotic era
- Climate change mitigation and renewable energy
- P2P Recent developments: Large scale utility side battery storage systems, intelligent grids,smart inverters, Grid balancing through short term low voltage grid storage
- P2G (Hydrogen and Methane), P2C (Ammonia, methanol and other chemicals)
- J. Rockstroem & M. Klum, The Human Quest: Prospering within Planetary boundaries, Bokforlaget Max Strom, 2012
- J. Randers 2052,A global forecast for the next 40 years, (2012)
- A. Flynn & C. Collins, The ecological footprint: New Developments in Policy and Practise, 2015
- G. Zini, Green electrical energy storage: Science and finance for total fossil fuel substitution, Cenveo Publishing, 2016
- State of the World 2015: Confronting Hidden Threads to Sustainability, World Watch Institute, 2015
- J.J Jones, Water sustainability a global Perspective, Routledge, 2010
- W. Rosen, Miracle Cure: The creation of Antibiotics and the birth of modern medicine, 2017
- L. Bower, The microbes fight back: Antibiotic resistance, 2015