[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:0, Lb:0]
- Energy classifications, global and national energy scenario;
- Scope of chemistry and material design in energy harvesting and environmental remediation, renewable energy sources: advantages and challenges;
- Solar energy: fundamentals of photovoltaic conversions, types and design of solar cells;
- Hydrogen energy: scope, and status; H production and storage;
- Principles of artificial photosynthesis and photocatalytic water splitting; electronic band structure engineering and characterization of carrier dynamics for these applications;
- Photoelectrochemical and thermal water splitting,
- Introduction to the principles of fuel cells, their types and material design; electrochemistry, kinetics and thermodynamics of fuel cell;
- Biofuel: chemical conversion processes;
- Energy storage strategies: batteries and supercapacitors;
- Thermoelectrics – fundamentals and material design;
- Introduction to nuclear energy and its scope in India;
- Green house effect and global warming; principles of CO capture, storage and conversion.
- B. E. Conway, Electrochemical Supercapacitors: Fundamentals and Applications, (Kluwer) 1999.
- R. M. Dell, Understanding Batteries/, D. A. J. Rand (RSC), 2003.
- Sammes Nigel, Fuel Cell Technology,(Springer) 2006.
- Godfrey Boyle, Renewable energy, (Oxford University Press) 2004.
- Ying Wu, Carbon Dioxide Sequestration and Related Technologies, (Wiley) 2011.
- Wang, Xiaodong, High-efficiency solar cells: physics, materials and devices, (Springer) 2014.