[Cr:4, Lc:4, Tt:0, Lb:0]
- Introduction: History and Basic Concepts.
- Organizing centers: activators and inhibitors.
Role of organizers in neural induction and organizing the
anteroposterior axis in vertebrate.
- Morphogens in action: Components of limb bud signaling. Morphogens and
antero-posterior patterning of Drosophila embryo. Cellular basis of
morphogenesis. Communication by extracellular signals.
- Symmetry breaking during development: Symmetry Breaking in AP and DV
axis formation. Left/Right Symmetry. Mechanisms of symmetry breaking
during axis formation. Examples from different model systems.
- Development in progress—Patterning in steps: Reading out the
patterning information, localized transcriptional factors, regulatory
modules. Role of the segmentation cascade in patterning in Drosphila.
- Axon guidance—wiring of the nervous system: Patterning of the brain,
Neuronal cell fate determination, Neuronal differentiation, Axon
pathfinding, Dendrite development, Map formation, Layer formation,
Synaptogenesis, Synaptic competition, homeostasis, plasticity. Neural
induction and Patterning.
- Organ development: Heart Development, morphogenesis, conduction,
- Epicardium, second heart lineage, cardiac neural crest, tissue-tissue
interactions & reciprocal signaling.
- Regeneration: Vertebrate limb and organ regeneration.
- The evo-devo saga of Development: How muticellular organism evolved from
single cell ancestor. The evolutionary modification of embryonic
development. Changes in the timing of developmental processes.
- Implications of Developmental Studies: Understanding aspects of
Bio-medicine, Bio-diversity and Disease Mechanisms.
- Scott F. Gilbert, Developmental Biology 8th ed. Sinauer Assoc. Inc. (2006).
- L. Wolpert et al, Principles of Development 3rd ed. Oxford Univ. Press (2007).