[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:0, Lb:0]
- Systems Biology: Systems Biology attempts to integrate information
available from the studyof the components that make up a biological
system. Experimental studies have led to the accumulation of large
amount of information in different areas of biology - on genetic and
biochemical interaction networks, cell interactions during
development, and organismal response to environmental stimuli, along
with genome sequences and molecular understanding of diseases. Systems
Biology investigates the behaviour and relationships of all of the
elements in a particular biological system while it is functioning,
and describes the information using mathematical, computational, and
graphical techniques to find the underlying design and working
principles. In this set of nine lectures, this emerging area will be
introduced and basic methods elaborated. Few specific biological
studies in this direction will be discussed.
- Animal Biotechnolgy: Somatic cells : cell lines, culture, handling,
sorting, transfection Germ cells : extraction, micromanipulation, IVF,
nuclear transfer, embryo cloning Transgenics, knockouts, knockdowns,
xenografts Animal Health Biotechnolgy: (i) therapeutics : hormones,
therapeutic proteins, DNA and protein vaccines, antibiotics,
antibodies. (ii) host-pathogen interactions : viruses, microbial
pathogens, parasites, prion Animal Product Biotechnology( i). leather
: enzymatic dehairing, softening, dekeratinization ( ii) milk :
altering constituents of milk proteomes
- Single-molecule Biology: (i) Biology at single-molecule resolution:
Advantages over traditional (bulk) ensemble measurements. (ii)
Technological advances in single-molecule detection, interrogation,
tracking, analysis and manipulation. (iii) Single-molecule
methodologies and measuring of molecular properties at single-molecule
resolution (iv) Applications in biology: Motor proteins (F1-ATPase,
phage DNA-packaging motor, kinesin, helicases, RNA polymerase etc.).
Protein folding, assembly and enzymology Cell biology (cell membranes,
lipid rafts, cell-signalling, nuclear pore transport, vesicle
trafficking, neuronal communication, viral infection pathways, gene
transcription and translation etc.).
- Stem Cell Biology: Overview of Stem Cell Biology Stem cells in plants
and other model organisms Embryonic stem cells: maintenance of
pluripotency and early lineage specification in mouse and human ESCs.
Adult stem cells: Types of adult stem cells, Stem cell niche and its
role in stem cell maintenance, Cellular plasticity Induced pluripotent
stem cells: Epigenetics and reprogramming in stem cell biology
Metabolic regulation of pluripotency and early lineage specification
Cancer stem cells Policies and Ethics in stem cell research
- Ideker T. et al. (2001) A new approach to decoding life: Systems
Biology. Annu. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet., 2: 343-372.
- Kitano H. (2002) Systems Biology: A Brief Overview. Science, 295:
- L. Castilho, Animal Cell Technology: From Biopharmaceuticals to
Gene Therapy, Taylor and Francis (2008).
- T. Cartright, Animal Cells as Bioreactors, Cambridge Studies in
Biotechnology Series, Cambridge University Press (1994).
- M. Butler, Animal Cell Culture and Technology : The Basics, 2nd
Edn., Taylor and Francis (2004).
- R. Portner (ed), Animal Cell Biotechnology:Methods and
protocols, 2nd Edn., Humana Press (2007).
- Alexander Knight (Ed), Single Molecule Biology, Academic Press
- P. Hinterdorfer and A. van Oijen (Eds), Handbook of
Single-Molecule Biophysics, Springer (2009).
- R. Lanza, J. Gearhart, B. Hogan, D. Melton, R. Pederson, E. D. Thomas,
J. Thomson and I. Wilmuti, Essentials of Stem Cell Biology, 2nd
Edn., (2009).