[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:1, Lb:0]
- Metric spaces: definition, open sets, closed sets, limit points, convergence,
completeness, Baire’s theorem, continuity, spaces of continuous functions,
completeness, completion of a metric space.
- Topological spaces , open sets, closed sets, bases, sub-bases, continuous
functions; examples- metric topology, order topology, subspace topology, product
- Connectedness, locally connected, path connected, locally path connected,
connected subsets of the real line.
- Compact spaces, sequential compact spaces, locally compact spaces, Compact
subsets of
- Countability axioms, Hausdorff, regular etc., Urysohn lemma, Urysohn theorem ,
Tietze extension theorem.
- Tychonoff theorem, one point compactification, Stone-Cech compactification
- Quotient spaces; group actions on topological spaces.
Additional Topics Nagata Smirnov metrization theorem, paracompact spaces,
introduction to covering spaces, properly discontinuous action.
- Munkres: Topology.
- Simmons: Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis.