[Cr:4, Lc:3, Tt:1, Lb:0]
- Propositional logic: symbolic logic, inference, replacement, proof methods.
- First-order logic: languages, substitution, syntactics, proof methods.
- Set theory: sets and elements, set operations, sets within sets, families of sets
- Relations and Functions: relations, equivalence relations, partial orders,
functions, injections and surjections, images and inverse images
- Axiomatic set theory: axioms, natural numbers, integers and rational numbers,
mathematical induction, axiomatic real numbers. Finite, countable and
uncountable sets.
- Axiom of Choice: Zorn’s lemma, Well-ordering, existence of real number system.
Ordinals and Cardinals: ordinal numbers, cardinal numbers, large
cardinals. Godel’s Completeness and Incompleteness theorems
- Michael L. O’Leary: A First Course in Mathematical Logic and Set Theory
- P. T. Johnstone: Notes on Logic and Set Theory.
- Yu. I. Manin: A Course in Mathematical Logic for Mathematicians.